Sustainable alternatives to business as usual are proliferating in nearly every sector, from food to chemicals to automobiles. Nearly all of them have brighter growth prospects than their traditional counterparts. This makes green investing both a moral imperative and a good strategic move.
Emerald works across all sectors identified by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero as key investment opportunities for Europe, including wind, green hydrogen and EV charging. Our 20+ years of funding planet-friendly breakthroughs have given us expertise in not just the macro-level arguments for sustainability, but in the technological innovation needed to move the needle. Our advisory council, drawn from our connections in large corporations, helps drive our success in these complex and rapidly-changing fields.
Headquartered in Europe but with global investments and network, Emerald is at the heart of innovations to tackle climate change:
- Green New Deal: Europe will be the first continent to be carbon neutral by 2050
- Tech innovation: Europe is a global tech player, with the strongest-ever startup pipeline, now on par with the US
- R&D: €95.5 billion (2021-2027) for EU’s key funding program (Horizon Europe) for research and innovation