We measure the direct impact of our portfolio companies’ products or services according to defined criteria.

ESG (environmental, social & governance)

ESG awareness is key to building successful companies that can scale and create value and good economic returns for our investors.


Emerald contributes to these UN Sustainable Development Goals

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At Emerald, we believe that sustainability represents a compelling value proposition for companies. Where it was once viewed reactively—as a way to mitigate risk, contain costs or tick compliance boxes—it is now considered a key driver of business success. This consensus springs both from companies’ own recognition of their place in society—as responsible actors for people and planet—as well as a growing mandate from consumers, clients, investors and staff.
Our roots in this space are among the deepest in the investment community, having helped lay the groundwork for the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. We take a pragmatic, results-focused approach, with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as our guiding principles. We employ a rigorous set of ESG criteria in our investment decisions, and we are vigilant about greenwashing and ensuring that none of our portfolio companies actively detract from achieving the SDGs.
While many of our portfolio companies have cross-cutting ambitions in sustainability, most of their products and services center around decarbonization, resource and energy efficiency, and waste reduction. These generally link to the following SDGs: SDG 2: Zero hunger / SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation / SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy / SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure / SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production / SDG 13: Climate action
8.7 million tonnes of CO2 reduced

The dedicated loan guarantee fund we manage on behalf of the Swiss government has reduced a combined total of 8.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (data from 2014-2023). 

"Portfolio companies that live ESG are generally in a better position to scale, exit and often outperform their competitors."

Gina Domanig, Managing Partner

Examples of questions we ask to ensure ESG in our portfolio

Is there an environmental risk in the distribution/installation of a portfolio company’s product(s)?
Is the portfolio company aware of the impact of the business in the surrounding community?
Does the company apply best practices with regards to corporate governance, including board oversight of risks?
Is there a risk for or positive impact on the environment with the usage of the portfolio company’s product?
Is a portfolio company aware of the social impact that is generated in its supply chain?
Are there good interactions between shareholders, the board and management of the portfolio company?
Are portfolio company operations in a stable country with a solid legal system in place?
Does the portfolio company support and respect human rights when conducting its business?
Does the portfolio company have adequate financial, regulatory and compliance controls?

We are a proud member of these organizations:

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