Highlights – European Venture Fair 2022

It’s no secret that industrial transformation will take time, effort and money. But if the energy of the crowd at European Venture Fair 2022 was any indication, we are getting the job done.

With #climate targets piling up and the need for change accelerating, the 180 corporate, institutional and independent investors that gathered at SwissRe Centre for Global Dialogue in Rüschlikon, Zürich for #EVF2022 spent a stimulating two days reconnecting, deal scouting and hearing from experts and companies working at the cutting edge of industrial #sustainability.

 Our three conference themes of #supplychain efficiency, decarbonizing heavy industry and sustainable #aviation popped up again and again. Between our year-in-review, keynote, plenary sessions, roundtable, startup presentations and lots of networking breaks, the level of insight and engagement reminded us of the value of relationships when it comes to making progress.

Among other inspiring and memorable moments (our gala apéro and dinner spring to mind), we’ll take home a lot of food for thought:

  • The geopolitical landscape may be rocky, but opportunities for a “fast forward” in cleantech abound
  • Technology and commodity costs may fluctuate, but experience curves only go in one direction: up
  • Companies need to focus on #decarbonization of their supply chains—the source of 80% of corporate emissions
  • Inefficiencies in seemingly minor parts of the industrial landscape—a single screw on a single wind turbine—can make a huge difference as costs pile up, both in money and #emissions
  • Last-mile logistics, warehousing and consumer desires for cheap and fast goods make #ecommerce a field ripe for optimization
  • When it comes to #ESG, venture investors can take the lead or wait for regulators to force our hands
  • Sustainable aviation fuel is a promising lever for #lowcarbon flight—innovations in feedstock can provide further lift
  • The #InflationReductionAct elevated US climate policy from among the worst globally to near the top of the pack
  • A big investment gap in #CCS remains—but US policy offers promise
  • We felt the “sneezes”—or tipping points in growth—in #solar and wind a decade ago. #EVs are sneezing now. What’s next?

We would love to hear your top takeaways in the comments. And mark your calendars and join us for the next EVF on September 13th and 14th, 2023.

A big thanks to our speakers, supporters and partners, and to everyone for attending. See you next year!

With thanks to:

Taylor Wessing, BP, Demeter, DOW, EIT InnoEnergy, OGCI Climate Investments, SET Ventures, Swedish Energy Agency and the Swiss Department of Energy.