Emerald Sprints
The way that firms innovate has changed substantially in the last five years. The bad news is that these emerging technologies rely on advanced technical and analytical skills that are new, rare and expensive.
Didier Bonnet, IMD Business School
Emerald Sprint program addresses one of the most challenging issues on corporate - startup collaboration: accelerating pilots with startups. With its structured program, elaborately selected startups and hands on management; the cycle of coming to pilot definitions stage with the program startups has significantly accelerated compared to market practices. The program managers are trying to understand the need of both corporates and startups to reach fruitful outcomes for both parties.
Funda Çetin, Innovation Manager at TUPRAS
For innovation-hungry legacy firms, partnering with a start-up can be appealing. Relatively small sums of time and money can quickly yield generous returns.
Michael Schrage, MIT Sloan School